

In the realm of cotton grass and curlews

The 40 square kilometre Kehdinger Moor (marshland) on the Lower Elbe between Hamburg and Cuxhaven is a changing landscape. The raised bog began to form here around 4,000 years ago and it has been around 200 years since people began to use the peat as fuel.

Today, the Euflor-Humuswerke extract peat on an industrial scale under the condition that the areas are then returned to nature. Peat moss and cotton grass now grow on the rewetted areas. Cranes and curlews have also returned.

Between April and October, the Moorkieker train takes a two- to three-hour journey and passes the traces of the landscape transformation on the grounds of the Euflor-Humuswerke.

The Verein zur Förderung von Naturerlebnissen (Association for the Promotion of Nature Experiences) has set up a number of activities along the four-kilometre Moorkieker route.

Dates for 2024 to follow soon.

Moorkieker tour

12,00  per person
  • Minimum number of 30 people
  • All tours start at the Euflor-Humuswerke in Drochtersen-Aschhorn
  • pre-registration required

Public tours

Group offers

A Moorkieker tour can be booked from April to October. The trip takes approx. 2 – 3 hours. Up to 54 guests can take part per trip.

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Nicole Wegner
STADE Marketing und Tourismus GmbH
Leitung Counter-Service
04141 77698-11

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