
Stade Kulturkreis

Culture since 1947

The Stade Kulturkreis e. V. has been fulfilling its mission of promoting cultural activities in Stade since 1947. The founding of the Stade Adult Education Centre (Volkshochschule Stade) was its first major achievement.

Today, the association organises concerts in the Königsmarcksaal of Stade Town Hall, trips to the Hamburg State Opera, Elbphilharmonie and other important music halls as well as trips to other places of cultural and historical significance. Visits to art exhibitions accompanied by experts are another component of the programme offered by the Kulturkreis Stade.

Good to know

Tickets for events organised by the Kulturkreis are available from our tourist information office at the harbour or online.


Let me know your questions

Kulturkreis Stade e. V.

Johannisstraße 3, 21682 Stade
04141 2315

Events organised by the Kulturkreis

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