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Ratsweinkeller skittles club
The oldest skittles club in Germany
On 20 October 1822, the skittles club from the Ratsweinkeller in Stade was founded by 21 skittles enthusiasts, men who had apparently been meeting to bowl for some time. This makes it the oldest nine-pin bowling club in Germany.
Along with maintaining tradition, the club members also value the opportunity to meet together every fortnight. In order to escape the everyday stresses and strains of life, the members enjoy an evening meal to discuss personal and private matters as well as social and political issues. A wide range of interests enlivens the discussions between the skittles brothers and allows the members to learn from each other.
Speaking of skittles brothers – of course they also play skittles. But not to reach peak performance goals, but to have fun. Of course, they are delighted when a fellow skittler manages to bowl at least 77 points in 10 throws. The bowler is then invited to buy everyone a drink. Even if the performance is poor, i.e. less than 56 points, the tradition is maintained. Collected money can be used at their special events and festivities.
The skittles club
The long standing motto of the club: “Seid um den Becher ihr vereint, sei Euer Herz voll Fröhlichkeit, doch denkt auch, daß die Sorge weint, und seid zum Wohltun gern bereit.” (‘When united around the cup, let your heart be full of joy, but remember that sorrow weeps, and be willing to do good.’)
On 20 October 1822, the ‘Kegel-Club vom Raths-Weinkeller zu Stade’ (Skittles Club of the Raths-Weinkeller in Stade) was founded by 21 skittles enthusiasts, men who had obviously been at the sport for some time. At the time, Stade and the Kingdom of Hanover were still in a reconstruction phase after the French occupation and the Wars of Liberation. The absolutist order had been restored by Hanover without any significant changes. The foundation of the German Confederation was intended to satisfy the desire for unity, but its main purpose was to keep any democratic or republican endeavours under control.